Umit Tapan
Umit Tapan
Boston Medical Center
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Radiofrequency ablation: technique and clinical applications
S Tatlı, U Tapan, PR Morrison, SG Silverman
Diagn Interv Radiol 18, 508-516, 2012
Increases in B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) during treatment with lenalidomide in AL amyloidosis
U Tapan, DC Seldin, KT Finn, S Fennessey, A Shelton, JB Zeldis, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 116 (23), 5071-5072, 2010
MRI in local staging of rectal cancer: an update
Ü Tapan, M Özbayrak, S Tatlı
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 20 (5), 390, 2014
Potassium abnormalities in current clinical practice: frequency, causes, severity and management
E Eliacik, T Yildirim, U Sahin, C Kizilarslanoglu, U Tapan, ...
Medical Principles and Practice 24 (3), 271-275, 2015
Liver dysfunction after chemotherapy in lymphoma patients infected with hepatitis C
O Dizdar, U Tapan, S Aksoy, H Harputluoglu, S Kilickap, I Barista
European journal of haematology 80 (5), 381-385, 2008
The impact of residential racial segregation on non-small cell lung cancer treatment and outcomes
CA Annesi, MR Poulson, KS Mak, U Tapan, TA Dechert, VR Litle, ...
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 113 (4), 1291-1298, 2022
c-Cbl expression correlates with human colorectal cancer survival and its Wnt/β-catenin suppressor function is regulated by Tyr371 phosphorylation
S Kumaradevan, SY Lee, S Richards, C Lyle, Q Zhao, U Tapan, Y Jiangliu, ...
The American Journal of Pathology 188 (8), 1921-1933, 2018
c-Cbl mediates the degradation of tumorigenic nuclear β-catenin contributing to the heterogeneity in Wnt activity in colorectal tumors
M Shashar, J Siwak, U Tapan, SY Lee, RD Meyer, P Parrack, J Tan, ...
Oncotarget 7 (44), 71136, 2016
A definitive prognostication system for patients with thoracic malignancies diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019: an update from the TERAVOLT registry
JG Whisenant, J Baena, A Cortellini, LC Huang, GL Russo, L Porcu, ...
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 17 (5), 661-674, 2022
LBA75 Defining COVID-19 outcomes in thoracic cancer patients: TERAVOLT (Thoracic cancERs international coVid 19 cOLlaboraTion)
JB Espinar, V Torri, J Whisenant, FR Hirsch, J Rogado, ...
Annals of Oncology 31, S1204-S1205, 2020
Decreased dickkopf-1 levels in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and increased osteopontin levels in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at initial diagnosis: Could they be playing roles in …
GE Pamuk, MS Uyanik, ON Pamuk, M Maden, U Tapan
Hematology 20 (5), 267-271, 2015
Reactivation of hepatitis B virus following bendamustine-containing chemotherapy in a patient with multiple myeloma
U Tapan, SK May, J Fiore, O Kozyreva
Leukemia & Lymphoma 52 (5), 916-918, 2011
Racial and other healthcare disparities in patients with extensive-stage SCLC
U Tapan, VF Furtado, MM Qureshi, P Everett, K Suzuki, KS Mak
JTO Clinical and Research Reports 2 (1), 100109, 2021
Epstein–Barr virus-associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma arising in atrial myxoma: a proposal for a modified therapeutic approach
U Tapan, JB Pestana, JC Lee, A Lerner
Leukemia & Lymphoma 56 (2), 505-507, 2015
Gastrointestinal symptoms are closely associated with depression in iron deficiency anemia: a comparative study
GE Pamuk, MS Uyanik, MS Top, U Tapan, R Ak, V Uyanik
Annals of Saudi medicine 35 (1), 31-35, 2015
Racial differences in colorectal cancer survival at a safety net hospital
U Tapan, SY Lee, J Weinberg, VB Kolachalama, J Francis, M Charlot, ...
Cancer epidemiology 49, 30-37, 2017
Postural Epigastric Pain: A Challenging Symptom for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Gastritis
U Tapan, AA Kutlugun, M Arici, B Altun
Renal Failure 34 (2), 235-236, 2012
Implementation challenges and disparities in molecular testing for patients with stage IV NSCLC: perspectives from an urban safety-net hospital
L Burns, C Jani, A Radwan, O Al Omari, M Patel, GR Oxnard, U Tapan
Clinical Lung Cancer 24 (2), e69-e77, 2023
Primary thyroid marginal zone B-cell lymphoma MALT-type in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
S Serefhanoglu, U Tapan, I Ertenli, U Kalyoncu, A Uner
Medical Oncology 27, 826-832, 2010
Lung cancer mortality in the United States between 1999 and 2019: an observational analysis of disparities by sex and race
O Al Omari, C Jani, A Ahmed, H Singh, A Radwan, P Bhatt, A Walker, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 20 (4), 612-616, 2023
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Articles 1–20