Wei Cui
Wei Cui
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
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WiFi CSI based passive human activity recognition using attention based BLSTM
Z Chen, L Zhang, C Jiang, Z Cao, W Cui
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (11), 2714-2724, 2018
Two-stream convolution augmented transformer for human activity recognition
B Li, W Cui, W Wang, L Zhang, Z Chen, M Wu
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (1), 286-293, 2021
Multimodal CSI-based human activity recognition using GANs
D Wang, J Yang, W Cui, L Xie, S Sun
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (24), 17345-17355, 2021
WiFi-based indoor robot positioning using deep fuzzy forests
L Zhang, Z Chen, W Cui, B Li, C Chen, Z Cao, K Gao
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (11), 10773-10781, 2020
Received signal strength based indoor positioning using a random vector functional link network
W Cui, L Zhang, B Li, J Guo, W Meng, H Wang, L Xie
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (5), 1846-1855, 2017
CAUTION: A Robust WiFi-based human authentication system via few-shot open-set recognition
D Wang, J Yang, W Cui, L Xie, S Sun
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (18), 17323-17333, 2022
An attention based CNN-LSTM approach for sleep-wake detection with heterogeneous sensors
Z Chen, M Wu, W Cui, C Liu, X Li
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (9), 3270-3277, 2020
Device-free single-user activity recognition using diversified deep ensemble learning
W Cui, B Li, L Zhang, Z Chen
Applied Soft Computing 102, 107066, 2021
Dynamic multidimensional scaling algorithm for 3-D mobile localization
W Cui, C Wu, W Meng, B Li, Y Zhang, L Xie
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 65 (12), 2853-2865, 2016
Privacy-preserving cross-environment human activity recognition
L Zhang, W Cui, B Li, Z Chen, M Wu, TS Gee
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 53 (3), 1765-1775, 2021
Robust mobile location estimation in NLOS environment using GMM, IMM, and EKF
W Cui, B Li, L Zhang, W Meng
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (3), 3490-3500, 2018
Airfi: empowering wifi-based passive human gesture recognition to unseen environment via domain generalization
D Wang, J Yang, W Cui, L Xie, S Sun
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23 (2), 1156-1168, 2022
A robust mobile robot indoor positioning system based on Wi-Fi
W Cui, Q Liu, L Zhang, H Wang, X Lu, J Li
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 17 (1), 1729881419896660, 2020
A robust wireless sensor network localization algorithm in mixed LOS/NLOS scenario
B Li, W Cui, B Wang
Sensors 15 (9), 23536-23553, 2015
WiHGR: A robust WiFi-based human gesture recognition system via sparse recovery and modified attention-based BGRU
W Meng, X Chen, W Cui, J Guo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (12), 10272-10282, 2021
Dual-path multi-scale context dense aggregation network for retinal vessel segmentation
W Zhou, W Bai, J Ji, Y Yi, N Zhang, W Cui
Computers in Biology and Medicine 164, 107269, 2023
Efficiently mining high quality phrases from texts
B Li, X Yang, B Wang, W Cui
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
Mobile Robot Indoor Positioning System Based on K‐ELM
H Wang, J Li, W Cui, X Lu, Z Zhang, C Sheng, Q Liu
Journal of Sensors 2019 (1), 7547648, 2019
Difformer: Multi-resolutional differencing transformer with dynamic ranging for time series analysis
B Li, W Cui, L Zhang, C Zhu, W Wang, IW Tsang, JT Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (11 …, 2023
An Adaptive Hierarchical Compositional Model for Phrase Embedding.
B Li, X Yang, B Wang, W Wang, W Cui, X Zhang
IJCAI, 4144-4151, 2018
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