Short term prediction on bitcoin price using ARIMA method IM Wirawan, T Widiyaningtyas, MM Hasan 2019 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and ¡K, 2019 | 77 | 2019 |
Implementasi model waterfall pada pengembangan sistem informasi alumni smkn 1 jenangan ponorogo ENA Romadhoni, T Widiyaningtyas, U Pujianto SESINDO 2015 2015, 2015 | 73 | 2015 |
Penerapan Algoritme Linear Regression untuk Prediksi Hasil Panen Tanaman Padi HW Herwanto, T Widiyaningtyas, P Indriana Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi 8 (4), 364-370, 2019 | 72 | 2019 |
User profile correlation-based similarity (UPCSim) algorithm in movie recommendation system T Widiyaningtyas, I Hidayah, TB Adji Journal of Big Data 8 (1), 52, 2021 | 61 | 2021 |
Penerapan model PBL berbantuan e-modul berbasis flipbook dibandingkan berbantuan bahan ajar cetak pengaruhnya terhadap hasil belajar pemrograman siswa SMK A Nurhidayati, SC Putro, T Widiyaningtyas Teknologi Dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, Dan Pengajarannya 41 (2 ¡K, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Illiteracy Classification Using K Means-Naá ve Bayes Algorithm MFA Saputra, T Widiyaningtyas, AP Wibawa JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization 2 (3), 153-158, 2018 | 59 | 2018 |
Pengembangan bahan ajar perakitan komputer bermuatan augmented reality untuk menumbuhkan keaktifan belajar siswa B Afifah, T Widiyaningtyas, U Pujianto Tekno 29 (2), 97, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |
Media pembelajaran berbasis web pada mata pelajaran Kimia T Widiyaningtyas, A Widiatmoko Jurnal Teknologi 21, 47-51, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
Prediction of rupiah against US dollar by using ARIMA A Qonita, AG Pertiwi, T Widiyaningtyas 2017 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer ¡K, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Implementation of K-means clustering method to distribution of high school teachers T Widiyaningtyas, MIW Prabowo, MAM Pratama 2017 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer ¡K, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Classification of employee mental health disorder treatment with k-nearest neighbor algorithm H Elmunsyah, R Mu'awanah, T Widiyaningtyas, IAE Zaeni, FA Dwiyanto 2019 international conference on electrical, electronics and information ¡K, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Classification of toddler nutrition status with anthropometry calculation using Naïve Bayes Algorithm RA Putri, S Sendari, T Widiyaningtyas 2018 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and ¡K, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Web-based campus virtual tour application using orb image stitching T Widiyaningtyas, DD Prasetya, AP Wibawa 2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer ¡K, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Real time indoor air quality monitoring using internet of things at university M Muladi, S Sendari, T Widiyaningtyas 2018 2nd Borneo International Conference on Applied Mathematics and ¡K, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Pemberdayaan kelompok rumah pangan lestari dalam budidaya tanaman hidroponik P Tutuko, T Widiyaningtyas, E Sonalitha, B Nurdewanto Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia 3 (1), 7-16, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Outdoor air quality monitor using MQTT protocol on smart campus network M Muladi, S Sendari, T Widiyaningtyas 2018 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and ¡K, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Implementation of the exponential smoothing method for forecasting food prices at provincial levels on java island HA Rosyid, T Widiyaningtyas, NF Hadinata 2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-5, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Sentiment Analysis Of Hotel Review Using N-Gram And Naive Bayes Methods T Widiyaningtyas, IAE Zaeni, R Al Farisi 2019 Fourth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-5, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Pengembangan bahan ajar perakitan komputer bermuatan augmented reality untuk menumbuhkan keaktifan belajar siswa. Tekno, 29 (2), 97 B Afifah, T Widiyaningtyas, U Pujianto | 14 | 2019 |
Adaptive Campus Virtual Tour using Location-Based Services T Widiyaningtyas, DD Prasetya, AP Wibawa 2018 Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics ¡K, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |