Suining He
Suining He
Ubiquitous and Urban Computing Lab, School of Computing, University of Connecticut
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🏆Wi-Fi Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning: Recent Advances and Comparisons
S He, SHG Chan
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials -- ESI Highly Cited Paper 🏆 18 (1 …, 2016
Indoor Localization and Automatic Fingerprint Update with Altered AP signals
S He, W Lin, SH Chan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 16 (7), 1897-1910, 2017
Steering Crowdsourced Signal Map Construction via Bayesian Compressive Sensing
S He, KG Shin
Proceedings of the Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2018
Geomagnetism for Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization: Challenges, Advances, and Comparisons
S He, KG Shin
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (6), 97, 2018
Tilejunction: Mitigating Signal Noise for Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization
S He, SH Chan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (6), 1554-1568, 2016
Fusing Noisy Fingerprints with Distance Bounds for Indoor Localization
S He, SH Chan, L Yu, N Liu
Proceedings of The 34th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2015
Spatio-Temporal Capsule-based Reinforcement Learning for Mobility-on-Demand Network Coordination
S He, KG Shin
Proceedings of The World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2019), 2806--2813, 2019
Contour-based trilateration for indoor fingerprinting localization
S He, T Hu, SHG Chan
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2015
Sectjunction: Wi-Fi indoor localization based on junction of signal sectors
S He, SHG Chan
Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2014 - Mobile and Wireless Networking Symposium (ICC …, 2014
Chameleon: Survey-free Updating of Fingerprint Database for Indoor Localization
S He, B Ji, SHG Chan
IEEE Pervasive Computing 15 (4), 66-75, 2016
Dynamic Flow Distribution Prediction for Urban Dockless E-Scooter Sharing Reconfiguration
S He, KG Shin
Proceedings of The World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2020), 2020
Towards Fine-grained Flow Forecasting: A Graph Attention Approach for Bike Sharing Systems
S He, KG Shin
Proceedings of The World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2020), 2020
🏆Reusing delivery drones for urban crowdsensing
C Xiang, Y Zhou, H Dai, Y Qu, S He, C Chen, P Yang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing -- ESI Highly Cited Paper 🏆, 2021
INTRI: Contour-based Trilateration for Indoor Fingerprint-based Localization
S He, SH Chan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 16 (6), 1676-1690, 2017
Resource-efficient and Automated Image-based Indoor Localization
Q Niu, M Li, S He, C Gao, SH Chan, X Luo
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 15 (2), 19:1 - 19:31, 2019
Calibration-free fusion of step counter and wireless fingerprints for indoor localization
S He, SHG Chan, L Yu, N Liu
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
SLAC: Calibration-Free Pedometer-Fingerprint Fusion for Indoor Localization
S He, SHG Chan, L Yu, N Liu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (5), 1176 - 1189, 2018
Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Pricing for Balancing Mobility-on-Demand Networks
S He, KG Shin
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 10 (4), 39:1 …, 2019
Maxlifd: Joint Maximum Likelihood Localization Fusing Fingerprints and Mutual Distances
S He, SHG Chan, L Yu, N Liu
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (3), 602 - 617, 2019
Spatio-Temporal Capsule-based Reinforcement Learning for Mobility-on-Demand Coordination
S He, KG Shin
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 34 (3), 1446--1461, 2022
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