Rolf Sundberg
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Cited by
Maximum likelihood theory for incomplete data from an exponential family
R Sundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 49-58, 1974
A statistical methodology for drug–drug interaction surveillance
GN Norén, R Sundberg, A Bate, IR Edwards
Statistics in medicine 27 (16), 3057-3070, 2008
Second-order calibration: bilinear least squares regression and a simple alternative
M Linder, R Sundberg
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 42 (1-2), 159-178, 1998
An iterative method for solution of the likelihood equations for incomplete data from exponential families
R Sundberg
Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 5 (1), 55-64, 1976
Statistiska modeller
P Martin-Löf, R Sundberg, P Martin-Löf
Institutet för försäkringsmatematik och matematisk statistik vid Stockholms …, 1973
Multivariate calibration—direct and indirect regression methodology
R Sundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26 (2), 161-207, 1999
Precision of prediction in second‐order calibration, with focus on bilinear regression methods
M Linder, R Sundberg
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 16 (1), 12-27, 2002
Multigene analysis can discriminate between ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome
P Von Stein, R Lofberg, NV Kuznetsov, AW Gielen, JO Persson, ...
Gastroenterology 134 (7), 1869-1881, 2008
Confidence and conflict in multivariate calibration
PJ Brown, R Sundberg
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 49 (1 …, 1987
Continuum regression and ridge regression
R Sundberg
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 55 (3 …, 1993
A generalized view on continuum regression
A Björkström, R Sundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 26 (1), 17-30, 1999
Statistical modelling by exponential families
R Sundberg
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Some results about decomposable (or Markov-type) models for multidimensional contingency tables: distribution of marginals and partitioning of tests
R Sundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 71-79, 1975
Decrease of serotonin receptor 2C in schizophrenia brains identified by high-resolution mRNA expression analysis
A Castensson, L Emilsson, R Sundberg, E Jazin
Biological psychiatry 54 (11), 1212-1221, 2003
Has the acidification by atmospheric pollution caused a growth reduction in Swedish forests
B Jonsson, R Sundberg
Res Notes. Inst. for Skogsproduction;(Sweden) 20, 1972
Statistical aspects on fitting the Arrhenius equation
R Sundberg
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 41 (2), 249-252, 1998
Multivariate calibration with more variables than observations
R Sundberg, PJ Brown
Technometrics 31 (3), 365-371, 1989
The distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator in up-and-down experiments for quantal dose-response data
M Vågerö, R Sundberg
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 9 (3), 499-519, 1999
Some Topics in Regression [with Discussion and Reply]
S Johansen, R Norberg, I Skovgaard, E Spjötvoll, R Sundberg, ...
Scandinavian journal of statistics, 161-194, 1983
Statistical framework for evaluation of climate model simulations by use of climate proxy data from the last millennium–Part 2: A pseudo-proxy study addressing the amplitude of …
A Hind, A Moberg, R Sundberg
Climate of the Past 8 (4), 1355-1365, 2012
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