Jörg Main
Jörg Main
Professor of Theoretical Physics, Universität Stuttgart
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Quasi-Landau spectrum of the chaotic diamagnetic hydrogen atom
A Holle, J Main, G Wiebusch, H Rottke, KH Welge
Physical review letters 61 (2), 161, 1988
New quasi-Landau structure of highly excited atoms: The hydrogen atom
J Main, G Wiebusch, A Holle, KH Welge
Physical review letters 57 (22), 2789, 1986
Diamagnetism of the hydrogen atom in the quasi-Landau regime
A Holle, G Wiebusch, J Main, B Hager, H Rottke, KH Welge
Physical review letters 56 (24), 2594, 1986
Exceptional points in atomic spectra
H Cartarius, J Main, G Wunner
Physical review letters 99 (17), 173003, 2007
Recurrence spectroscopy: Observation and interpretation of large-scale structure in the absorption spectra of atoms in magnetic fields
J Main, G Wiebusch, K Welge, J Shaw, JB Delos
Physical Review A 49 (2), 847, 1994
Relation between -symmetry breaking and topologically nontrivial phases in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger and Kitaev models
M Klett, H Cartarius, D Dast, J Main, G Wunner
Physical Review A 95 (5), 053626, 2017
Approach to ergodicity in quantum wave functions
B Eckhardt, S Fishman, J Keating, O Agam, J Main, K Müller
Physical Review E 52 (6), 5893, 1995
Use of harmonic inversion techniques in semiclassical quantization and analysis of quantum spectra
J Main
Physics Reports 316 (4-5), 233-338, 1999
Topological invariants in dissipative extensions of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
F Dangel, M Wagner, H Cartarius, J Main, G Wunner
Physical Review A 98 (1), 013628, 2018
Hydrogen atom in crossed magnetic and electric fields
G Wiebusch, J Main, K Krüger, H Rottke, A Holle, KH Welge
Physical review letters 62 (24), 2821, 1989
Nonhydrogenic Rydberg atoms in a magnetic field: A rigorous semiclassical approach
B Hüpper, J Main, G Wunner
Physical Review A 53 (2), 744, 1996
Resonance widths in open microwave cavities studied by harmonic inversion
U Kuhl, R Höhmann, J Main, HJ Stöckmann
Physical review letters 100 (25), 254101, 2008
Eigenvalue structure of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a PT-symmetric double well
D Dast, D Haag, H Cartarius, J Main, G Wunner
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.3871, 2013
Hermitian four-well potential as a realization of a -symmetric system
M Kreibich, J Main, H Cartarius, G Wunner
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 051601, 2013
Fractal Weyl law for chaotic microcavities: Fresnel’s laws imply multifractal scattering
J Wiersig, J Main
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (3 …, 2008
Rydberg atoms in external fields as an example of open quantum systems with classical chaos
J Main, G Wunner
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27 (13), 2835, 1994
Ericson fluctuations in the chaotic ionization of the hydrogen atom in crossed magnetic and electric fields
J Main, G Wunner
Physical review letters 69 (4), 586, 1992
Hydrogenic Rydberg atoms in strong magnetic fields: theoretical and experimental spectra in the transition region from regularity to irregularity
A Holle, G Wiebusch, J Main, KH Welge, G Zeller, G Wunner, T Ertl, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 5, 279-285, 1987
Impact of the valence band structure of on excitonic spectra
F Schweiner, J Main, M Feldmaier, G Wunner, C Uihlein
Physical Review B 93 (19), 195203, 2016
A Bose‐Einstein condensate in a 𝒫𝒯 symmetric double well
D Dast, D Haag, H Cartarius, G Wunner, R Eichler, J Main
Fortschritte der Physik 61 (2‐3), 124-139, 2013
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Articles 1–20