Nan Guan
Cited by
Cited by
New response time bounds for fixed priority multiprocessor scheduling
N Guan, M Stigge, W Yi, G Yu
2009 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 387-397, 2009
The digraph real-time task model
M Stigge, P Ekberg, N Guan, W Yi
2011 17th IEEE real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium …, 2011
Cache-aware scheduling and analysis for multicores
N Guan, M Stigge, W Yi, G Yu
Proceedings of the seventh ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2009
AutoDietary: A wearable acoustic sensor system for food intake recognition in daily life
Y Bi, M Lv, C Song, W Xu, N Guan, W Yi
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (3), 806-816, 2015
Building timing predictable embedded systems
P Axer, R Ernst, H Falk, A Girault, D Grund, N Guan, B Jonsson, ...
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 13 (4), 1-37, 2014
Combining abstract interpretation with model checking for timing analysis of multicore software
M Lv, W Yi, N Guan, G Yu
2010 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 339-349, 2010
Effective and efficient scheduling of certifiable mixed-criticality sporadic task systems
N Guan, P Ekberg, M Stigge, W Yi
2011 IEEE 32nd Real-Time Systems Symposium, 13-23, 2011
Fixed-priority multiprocessor scheduling with liu and layland's utilization bound
N Guan, M Stigge, W Yi, G Yu
2010 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium …, 2010
EDF-VD scheduling of mixed-criticality systems with degraded quality guarantees
D Liu, J Spasic, N Guan, G Chen, S Liu, T Stefanov, W Yi
2016 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 35-46, 2016
A survey on static cache analysis for real-time systems
M Lv, N Guan, J Reineke, R Wilhelm, W Yi
Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems 3 (1), 05-1-05: 48, 2016
Exact schedulability analysis for static-priority global multiprocessor scheduling using model-checking
N Guan, Z Gu, Q Deng, S Gao, G Yu
IFIP International Workshop on Software Technolgies for Embedded and …, 2007
Semi-federated scheduling of parallel real-time tasks on multiprocessors
X Jiang, N Guan, X Long, W Yi
2017 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 80-91, 2017
Noninvasive and continuous blood pressure monitoring using wearable body sensor networks
H Lin, W Xu, N Guan, D Ji, Y Wei, W Yi
IEEE intelligent systems 30 (6), 38-48, 2015
Intra-task priority assignment in real-time scheduling of DAG tasks on multi-cores
Q He, N Guan, Z Guo
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (10), 2283-2295, 2019
New schedulability test conditions for non-preemptive scheduling on multiprocessor platforms
N Guan, W Yi, Z Gu, Q Deng, G Yu
2008 Real-Time Systems Symposium, 137-146, 2008
A survey of WCET analysis of real-time operating systems
M Lv, N Guan, Y Zhang, Q Deng, G Yu, J Zhang
2009 International Conference on embedded software and systems, 65-72, 2009
Efficient drone hijacking detection using two-step GA-XGBoost
Z Feng, N Guan, M Lv, W Liu, Q Deng, X Liu, W Yi
Journal of Systems Architecture 103, 101694, 2020
Real-time scheduling of massive data in time sensitive networks with a limited number of schedule entries
X Jin, C Xia, N Guan, C Xu, D Li, Y Yin, P Zeng
IEEE access 8, 6751-6767, 2020
On the decomposition-based global EDF scheduling of parallel real-time tasks
X Jiang, X Long, N Guan, H Wan
2016 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 237-246, 2016
Energy-efficient real-time scheduling of DAG tasks
A Bhuiyan, Z Guo, A Saifullah, N Guan, H Xiong
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 17 (5), 1-25, 2018
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Articles 1–20