Daniel Lizotte
Daniel Lizotte
Associate Professor of Computer Science; Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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Intersectionality in quantitative research: A systematic review of its emergence and applications of theory and methods
GR Bauer, SM Churchill, M Mahendran, C Walwyn, D Lizotte, ...
SSM-population health 14, 100798, 2021
Automatic Gait Optimization with Gaussian Process Regression.
DJ Lizotte, T Wang, MH Bowling, D Schuurmans
IJCAI 7, 944-949, 2007
Practical bayesian optimization
DJ Lizotte
University of Alberta, 2008
Informing sequential clinical decision-making through reinforcement learning: an empirical study
SM Shortreed, E Laber, DJ Lizotte, TS Stroup, J Pineau, SA Murphy
Machine learning 84, 109-136, 2011
Dynamic treatment regimes: Technical challenges and applications
EB Laber, DJ Lizotte, M Qian, WE Pelham, SA Murphy
Electronic journal of statistics 8 (1), 1225, 2014
Bayesian sparse sampling for on-line reward optimization
T Wang, D Lizotte, M Bowling, D Schuurmans
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning, 956-963, 2005
Budgeted learning of naïve-Bayes classifiers
DJ Lizotte, O Madani, R Greiner
Proceedings of the Nineteenth conference on Uncertainty in Artificial …, 2002
Linear fitted-q iteration with multiple reward functions
DJ Lizotte, M Bowling, SA Murphy
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (1), 3253-3295, 2012
Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Multiple Reward Functions for Randomized Controlled Trial Analysis.
DJ Lizotte, MH Bowling, SA Murphy
ICML 10, 695-702, 2010
Set‐valued dynamic treatment regimes for competing outcomes
EB Laber, DJ Lizotte, B Ferguson
Biometrics 70 (1), 53-61, 2014
Predicting responses to platin chemotherapy agents with biochemically-inspired machine learning
EJ Mucaki, JZL Zhao, DJ Lizotte, PK Rogan
Signal transduction and targeted therapy 4 (1), 1, 2019
Artificial intelligence and primary care research: a scoping review
JK Kueper, AL Terry, M Zwarenstein, DJ Lizotte
The Annals of Family Medicine 18 (3), 250-258, 2020
Active model selection
O Madani, DJ Lizotte, R Greiner
Proceedings of the 20th conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence …, 2004
An experimental methodology for response surface optimization methods
DJ Lizotte, R Greiner, D Schuurmans
Journal of Global Optimization 53, 699-736, 2012
On hourly home peak load prediction
RP Singh, PX Gao, DJ Lizotte
2012 IEEE Third International Conference on Smart Grid Communications …, 2012
Multi-objective Markov decision processes for data-driven decision support
DJ Lizotte, EB Laber
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (210), 1-28, 2016
Tracking people over time in 19th century Canada for longitudinal analysis
L Antonie, K Inwood, DJ Lizotte, J Andrew Ross
Machine learning 95, 129-146, 2014
Exploring the ethical issues in research using digital data collection strategies with minors: A scoping review
D Facca, MJ Smith, J Shelley, D Lizotte, L Donelle
Plos one 15 (8), e0237875, 2020
Interpatient variation in rivaroxaban and apixaban plasma concentrations in routine care
M Gulilat, A Tang, SE Gryn, P Leong-Sit, AC Skanes, JE Alfonsi, ...
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 33 (8), 1036-1043, 2017
Quantitative methods for descriptive intersectional analysis with binary health outcomes
M Mahendran, D Lizotte, GR Bauer
SSM-population health 17, 101032, 2022
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