Andrew Hardin
I know I can, but can we? Culture and efficacy beliefs in global virtual teams
AM Hardin, MA Fuller, RM Davison
Small group research 38 (1), 130-155, 2007
Efficacy in technology-mediated distributed teams
MA Fuller, AM Hardin, RM Davison
Journal of management information systems 23 (3), 209-235, 2006
The impact of virtual worlds on word-of-mouth: Improving social networking and servicescape in the hospitality industry
J Kim, A Hardin
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 19 (7), 735-753, 2010
Information Technology and organizational innovation: Harmonious information technology affordance and courage-based actualization
S Chatterjee, G Moody, PB Lowry, S Chakraborty, A Hardin
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 29 (1), 101596, 2020
Strategic relevance of organizational virtues enabled by information technology in organizational innovation
S Chatterjee, G Moody, PB Lowry, S Chakraborty, A Hardin
Journal of Management Information Systems 32 (3), 158-196, 2015
Formative vs. Reflective Measurement: Comment on Marakas, Johnson, and Clay (2007)
AM Hardin, JCJ Chang, MA Fuller
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (9), 519, 2008
Measuring group efficacy in virtual teams: New questions in an old debate
AM Hardin, MA Fuller, JS Valacich
Small Group Research 37 (1), 65-85, 2006
Formative measurement and academic research: In search of measurement theory
AM Hardin, JCJ Chang, MA Fuller, G Torkzadeh
Educational and Psychological Measurement 71 (2), 281-305, 2011
Decision support for retirement portfolio management: Overcoming myopic loss aversion via technology design
CA Looney, AM Hardin
Management Science 55 (10), 1688-1703, 2009
When filling the wait makes it feel longer: a paradigm shift perspective for managing online delay
W Hong, TJ Hess, A Hardin
Mis Quarterly, 383-406, 2013
A commentary on the use of formative measurement
A Hardin, GA Marcoulides
Educational and Psychological Measurement 71 (5), 753-764, 2011
Diffusion of virtual innovation
MA Fuller, AM Hardin, CL Scott
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 38 (4 …, 2007
The nonlinear influence of harmonious information technology affordance on organisational innovation
S Chatterjee, G D Moody, PB Lowry, S Chakraborty, A Hardin
Information Systems Journal 31 (2), 294-322, 2021
Myopic loss aversion: Demystifying the key factors influencing decision problem framing
AM Hardin, CA Looney
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 117 (2), 311-331, 2012
Selfefficacy, learning method appropriation and software skills acquisition in learnercontrolled CSSTS environments
AM Hardin, CA Looney, MA Fuller
Information Systems Journal 24 (1), 3-27, 2014
A call for theory to support the use of causal-formative indicators: A commentary on Bollen and Diamantopoulos (2017).
A Hardin
Psychological Methods 22 (3), 597, 2017
Usage and impact of technology enabled job learning
G Torkzadeh, JCJ Chang, AM Hardin
European Journal of Information Systems 20 (1), 69-86, 2011
Clarifying the use of formative measurement in the IS discipline: The case of computer self-efficacy
AM Hardin, JCJ Chang, MA Fuller
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (9), 544, 2008
Special issue on responsible IS research for a better world.
RM Davison, A Majchrzak, A Hardin, MN Ravishankar
Information Systems Journal 33 (1), 2023
Establishing effective global virtual student teams
RM Davison, N Panteli, AM Hardin, MA Fuller
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 60 (3), 317-329, 2017
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