Jeff Gelb
Jeff Gelb
Sigray, Inc.
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Soybean susceptibility to manufactured nanomaterials with evidence for food quality and soil fertility interruption
JH Priester, Y Ge, RE Mielke, AM Horst, SC Moritz, K Espinosa, J Gelb, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (37), E2451-E2456, 2012
Multi-scale method of Nano (Micro)-CT study on microscopic pore structure of tight sandstone of Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin
B Bin, Z Rukai, WU Songtao, Y Wenjing, J Gelb, A Gu, X Zhang, SU Ling
Petroleum exploration and development 40 (3), 354-358, 2013
Resolving the ThreeDimensional Microstructure of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Electrodes using NanometerScale Xray Computed Tomography
WK Epting, J Gelb, S Litster
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (3), 555-560, 2012
Image based modelling of microstructural heterogeneity in LiFePO4 electrodes for Li-ion batteries
SJ Cooper, DS Eastwood, J Gelb, G Damblanc, DJL Brett, RS Bradley, ...
Journal of Power Sources 247, 1033-1039, 2014
Multi length scale microstructural investigations of a commercially available Li-ion battery electrode
PR Shearing, NP Brandon, J Gelb, R Bradley, PJ Withers, AJ Marquis, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (7), A1023, 2012
X-ray nano computerised tomography of SOFC electrodes using a focused ion beam sample-preparation technique
PR Shearing, J Gelb, NP Brandon
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (8), 1809-1814, 2010
Lithiationinduced dilation mapping in a lithiumion battery electrode by 3D Xray microscopy and digital volume correlation
DS Eastwood, V Yufit, J Gelb, A Gu, RS Bradley, SJ Harris, DJL Brett, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 4 (4), 1300506, 2014
Using synchrotron X-ray nano-CT to characterize SOFC electrode microstructures in three-dimensions at operating temperature
PR Shearing, RS Bradley, J Gelb, SN Lee, A Atkinson, PJ Withers, ...
Electrochemical and solid-state letters 14 (10), B117, 2011
Nanoscale X-ray microscopic imaging of mammalian mineralized tissue
JC Andrews, E Almeida, MCH van der Meulen, JS Alwood, C Lee, Y Liu, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 16 (3), 327-336, 2010
Sub-micron resolution CT for failure analysis and process development
M Feser, J Gelb, H Chang, H Cui, F Duewer, SH Lau, A Tkachuk, W Yun
Measurement science and technology 19 (9), 094001, 2008
Three-dimensional high resolution X-ray imaging and quantification of lithium ion battery mesocarbon microbead anodes
F Tariq, V Yufit, M Kishimoto, PR Shearing, S Menkin, D Golodnitsky, ...
Journal of Power Sources 248, 1014-1020, 2014
Pore structure characterization of asymmetric membranes: Non-destructive characterization of porosity and tortuosity
SS Manickam, J Gelb, JR McCutcheon
Journal of membrane science 454, 549-554, 2014
The application of phase contrast X-ray techniques for imaging Li-ion battery electrodes
DS Eastwood, RS Bradley, F Tariq, SJ Cooper, OO Taiwo, J Gelb, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
The ascent of 3D X-ray microscopy in the laboratory
AP Merkle, J Gelb
Microscopy Today 21 (2), 10-15, 2013
Exploring microstructural changes associated with oxidation in Ni–YSZ SOFC electrodes using high resolution X-ray computed tomography
PR Shearing, RS Bradley, J Gelb, F Tariq, PJ Withers, NP Brandon
Solid State Ionics 216, 69-72, 2012
Analysis of triple phase contact in Ni–YSZ microstructures using non-destructive X-ray tomography with synchrotron radiation
PR Shearing, J Gelb, J Yi, WK Lee, M Drakopolous, NP Brandon
Electrochemistry Communications 12 (8), 1021-1024, 2010
Characterising the structural properties of polymer separators for lithium-ion batteries in 3D using phase contrast X-ray microscopy
DP Finegan, SJ Cooper, B Tjaden, OO Taiwo, J Gelb, G Hinds, DJL Brett, ...
Journal of Power Sources 333, 184-192, 2016
Analysis of the three-dimensional microstructure of a solid-oxide fuel cell anode using nano X-ray tomography
Y Guan, W Li, Y Gong, G Liu, X Zhang, J Chen, J Gelb, W Yun, Y Xiong, ...
Journal of Power Sources 196 (4), 1915-1919, 2011
A 30 nm-resolution hard X-ray microscope with X-ray fluorescence mapping capability at BSRF
Q Yuan, K Zhang, Y Hong, W Huang, K Gao, Z Wang, P Zhu, J Gelb, ...
Journal of synchrotron radiation 19 (6), 1021-1028, 2012
ThreeDimensionally Ordered Macroporous Polymeric Materials by Colloidal Crystal Templating for Reversible CO2 Capture
H He, M Zhong, D Konkolewicz, K Yacatto, T Rappold, G Sugar, NE David, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (37), 4720-4728, 2013
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