Wen Jung LI
Wen Jung LI
Chair Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., City Univ. of Hong Kong
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Cited by
MEMS Accelerometer Based Non-Specific-User Hand Gesture Recognition
R Xu, S Zhou, W Li
Sensors Journal, IEEE 12 (5), 1166-11, 2012
A laser-micromachined multi-modal resonating power transducer for wireless sensing systems
NNH Ching, HY Wong, WJ Li, PHW Leong, Z Wen
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 97, 685-690, 2002
Fingertip‐skin‐inspired highly sensitive and multifunctional sensor with hierarchically structured conductive graphite/polydimethylsiloxane foams
QJ Sun, XH Zhao, Y Zhou, CC Yeung, W Wu, S Venkatesh, ZX Xu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (18), 1808829, 2019
Scanning superlens microscopy for non-invasive large field-of-view visible light nanoscale imaging
WJL Feifei Wang, Lianqing Liu, Haibo Yu, Yangdong Wen, Peng Yu, Zhu Liu ...
Nature Communications 7 (doi:10.1038/ncomms13748), 13748 (2016), 2016
Mobile human airbag system for fall protection using MEMS sensors and embedded SVM classifier
G Shi, CS Chan, WJ Li, KS Leung, Y Zou, Y Jin
IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (5), 495-503, 2009
An integrated MEMS three-dimensional tactile sensor with large force range
T Mei, WJ Li, Y Ge, Y Chen, L Ni, MH Chan
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 80 (2), 155-162, 2000
Light-sheet microscopy in the near-infrared II window
F Wang, H Wan, Z Ma, Y Zhong, Q Sun, Y Tian, L Qu, H Du, M Zhang, L Li, ...
Nature methods 16 (6), 545-552, 2019
Haptic information in internet-based teleoperation
I Elhajj, N Xi, WK Fung, YH Liu, WJ Li, T Kaga, T Fukuda
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 6 (3), 295-304, 2001
Polymer MEMS actuators for underwater micromanipulation
JWL Zhou, HY Chan, TKH To, KWC Lai, WJ Li
Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on 9 (2), 334-342, 2004
Microfluidic channel fabrication by PDMS-interface bonding
WWY Chow, KF Lei, G Shi, WJ Li, Q Huang
Smart materials and structures 15 (1), S112, 2006
Writing system with camera
G Zhang, G Shi, Y Luo, HYY Wong, WJ Li, PHW Leong, MY Wong
US Patent App. 12/378,459, 2009
Optimizing sonication parameters for dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes
H Yu, S Hermann, SE Schulz, T Gessner, Z Dong, WJ Li
Chemical Physics 408, 11-16, 2012
Dielectrophoretic batch fabrication of bundled carbon nanotube thermal sensors
CKM Fung, VTS Wong, RHM Chan, WJ Li
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 3 (3), 395-403, 2004
A packaged silicon MEMS vibratory gyroscope for microspacecraft
TK Tang, RC Gutierrez, CB Stell, V Vorperian, GA Arakaki, JT Rice, WJ Li, ...
Proceedings IEEE The Tenth Annual International Workshop on Micro Electro …, 1997
Visual-based impedance control of out-of-plane cell injection systems
H Huang, D Sun, JK Mills, WJ Li, SH Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (3), 565-571, 2009
Ultralow-power alcohol vapor sensors using chemically functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes
MLY Sin, GCT Chow, GMK Wong, WJ Li, PHW Leong, KW Wong
Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on 6 (5), 571-577, 2007
Writing system
G Zhang, G Shi, Y Luo, HYY Wong, WJ Li, PHW Leong, MY Wong
US Patent 7,508,384, 2009
Writing system
G Zhang, G Shi, Y Luo, HYY Wong, WJ Li, PHW Leong, MY Wong
EP Patent 1,731,996, 2006
Rapid assembly of carbon nanotubes for nanosensing by dielectrophoretic force
RHM Chan, CKM Fung, WJ Li
Nanotechnology 15 (10), S672, 2004
Encoding of tactile information in hand via skin-integrated wireless haptic interface
K Yao, J Zhou, Q Huang, M Wu, CK Yiu, J Li, X Huang, D Li, J Su, S Hou, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (10), 893-903, 2022
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Articles 1–20