Andrey Savchenko
Andrey Savchenko
Sber AI Lab; HSE University - Nizhny Novgorod
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Cited by
Classifying emotions and engagement in online learning based on a single facial expression recognition neural network
AV Savchenko, LV Savchenko, I Makarov
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (4), 2132-2143, 2022
Facial expression and attributes recognition based on multi-task learning of lightweight neural networks
AV Savchenko
2021 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and …, 2021
Efficient facial representations for age, gender and identity recognition in organizing photo albums using multi-output ConvNet
AV Savchenko
PeerJ Computer Science 5, e197, 2019
Group-level emotion recognition using transfer learning from face identification
A Rassadin, A Gruzdev, A Savchenko
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2017
Video-Based Frame-Level Facial Analysis of Affective Behavior on Mobile Devices Using EfficientNets
AV Savchenko
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Sequential three-way decisions in multi-category image recognition with deep features based on distance factor
AV Savchenko
Information Sciences 489, 18-36, 2019
Fast multi-class recognition of piecewise regular objects based on sequential three-way decisions and granular computing
AV Savchenko
Knowledge-Based Systems 91, 252-262, 2016
Probabilistic neural network with homogeneity testing in recognition of discrete patterns set
AV Savchenko
Neural Networks 46, 227-241, 2013
Probabilistic neural network with complex exponential activation functions in image recognition
AV Savchenko
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (2), 651-660, 2019
Directed enumeration method in image recognition
AV Savchenko
Pattern Recognition 45 (8), 2952-2961, 2012
Compression of recurrent neural networks for efficient language modeling
AM Grachev, DI Ignatov, AV Savchenko
Applied Soft Computing 79, 354-362, 2019
Fast inference in convolutional neural networks based on sequential three-way decisions
AV Savchenko
Information Sciences 560, 370-385, 2021
Maximum-likelihood approximate nearest neighbor method in real-time image recognition
AV Savchenko
Pattern Recognition 61, 459-469, 2017
MT-EmotiEffNet for multi-task human affective behavior analysis and learning from synthetic data
AV Savchenko
European Conference on Computer Vision, 45-59, 2022
Search techniques in intelligent classification systems
AV Savchenko
Springer, 2016
Neural networks compression for language modeling
AM Grachev, DI Ignatov, AV Savchenko
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence …, 2017
Criterion of significance level for selection of order of spectral estimation of entropy maximum
VV Savchenko, AV Savchenko
Radioelectronics and Communications Systems 62 (5), 223-231, 2019
EmotiEffNets for facial processing in video-based valence-arousal prediction, expression classification and action unit detection
AV Savchenko
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
About neural-network algorithms application in viseme classification problem with face video in audiovisual speech recognition systems
AV Savchenko, YI Khokhlova
Optical Memory and Neural Networks 23 (1), 34-42, 2014
Методы решения задач естествознания
ЛЮ Катаева, МБ Крайзлер, АВ Савченко
федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 2007
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Articles 1–20