Prof. S.Baskar  0000-0002-2735-0487
Prof. S.Baskar 0000-0002-2735-0487
Dean (R&D),Professor, EEE Department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering
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Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer for global optimization of multimodal functions
JJ Liang, AK Qin, PN Suganthan, S Baskar
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 10 (3), 281-295, 2006
Application of NSGA-II algorithm to generation expansion planning
S Kannan, S Baskar, JD McCalley, P Murugan
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 24 (1), 454-461, 2008
Solving multiobjective optimal reactive power dispatch using modified NSGA-II
S Jeyadevi, S Baskar, CK Babulal, MW Iruthayarajan
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (2), 219-228, 2011
Evolutionary algorithms based design of multivariable PID controller
MW Iruthayarajan, S Baskar
Expert systems with Applications 36 (5), 9159-9167, 2009
Application of modified NSGA-II algorithm to combined economic and emission dispatch problem
S Dhanalakshmi, S Kannan, K Mahadevan, S Baskar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (4), 992-1002, 2011
NSGA-II algorithm for multi-objective generation expansion planning problem
P Murugan, S Kannan, S Baskar
Electric Power Systems Research 79 (4), 622-628, 2009
Hybrid real coded genetic algorithm solution to economic dispatch problem
S Baskar, P Subbaraj, MVC Rao
Computers & Electrical Engineering 29 (3), 407-419, 2003
Application of modified NSGA-II algorithm to multi-objective reactive power planning
S Ramesh, S Kannan, S Baskar
Applied Soft Computing 12 (2), 741-753, 2012
A novel concurrent particle swarm optimization
S Baskar, PN Suganthan
Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Efficient constraint handling for optimal reactive power dispatch problems
R Mallipeddi, S Jeyadevi, PN Suganthan, S Baskar
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 5, 28-36, 2012
Application of NSGA-II algorithm to single-objective transmission constrained generation expansion planning
P Murugan, S Kannan, S Baskar
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 24 (4), 1790-1797, 2009
Multi-objective robust PID controller tuning using two lbests multi-objective particle swarm optimization
SZ Zhao, MW Iruthayarajan, S Baskar, PN Suganthan
Information Sciences 181 (16), 3323-3335, 2011
Intelligent approaches using support vector machine and extreme learning machine for transmission line protection
V Malathi, NS Marimuthu, S Baskar
Neurocomputing 73 (10-12), 2160-2167, 2010
Covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy based design of centralized PID controller
MW Iruthayarajan, S Baskar
Expert systems with Applications 37 (8), 5775-5781, 2010
Application of extreme learning machine for series compensated transmission line protection
V Malathi, NS Marimuthu, S Baskar, K Ramar
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 24 (5), 880-887, 2011
Evolutionary algorithm solution and KKT based optimality verification to multi-area economic dispatch
PS Manoharan, PS Kannan, S Baskar, MW Iruthayarajan
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 31 (7-8), 365-373, 2009
Particle swarm optimization algorithms with novel learning strategies
JJ Liang, AK Qin, PM Suganthan, S Baskar
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Design of Yagi-Uda antennas using comprehensive learning particle swarm optimisation
S Baskar, A Alphones, PN Suganthan, JJ Liang
IEE Proceedings-Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation 152 (5), 340-346, 2005
Penalty parameter-less constraint handling scheme based evolutionary algorithm solutions to economic dispatch
PS Manoharan, PS Kannan, S Baskar, MW Iruthayarajan
IET generation, transmission & distribution 2 (4), 478-490, 2008
Genetic algorithms solution to generator maintenance scheduling with modified genetic operators
S Baskar, P Subbaraj, MVC Rao, S Tamilselvi
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 150 (1), 56-60, 2003
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