Juan Chen
Juan Chen
Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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A nationwide study of discrimination and chronic health conditions among Asian Americans
GC Gee, MS Spencer, J Chen, D Takeuchi
American Journal of Public Health 97 (7), 1275-1282, 2007
The association between self-reported racial discrimination and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders among Asian Americans nationwide
GC Gee, M Spencer, J Chen, T Yip, DT Takeuchi
Social Science & Medicine 64 (10), 1984-1996, 2007
Internal migration and health: Re-examining the healthy migrant phenomenon in China
J Chen
Social Science & Medicine 72 (8), 1294-1301, 2011
Discrimination and mental health-related service use in a national study of Asian Americans
MS Spencer, J Chen, GC Gee, CG Fabian, DT Takeuchi
American Journal of Public Health 100 (12), 2410-2417, 2010
Effect of discrimination on mental health service utilization among Chinese Americans
MS Spencer, J Chen
American Journal of Public Health 94 (5), 809-814, 2004
Social support as a buffer for perceived unfair treatment among Filipino Americans: differences between San Francisco and Honolulu
GC Gee, J Chen, MS Spencer, S See, OA Kuester, D Tran, D Takeuchi
American Journal of Public Health 96 (4), 677-684, 2006
Beyond homeownership: Housing conditions, housing support and rural migrant urban settlement intentions in China
S Xie, J Chen
Cities, 2018
Life satisfaction in urbanizing China: The effect of city size and pathways to urban residency
J Chen, DS Davis, K Wu, H Dai
Cities 49, 88-97, 2015
Migration, environmental hazards, and health outcomes in China
J Chen, S Chen, PF Landry
Social science & medicine 80, 85-95, 2013
Mental health effects of perceived living environment and neighborhood safety in urbanizing China
J Chen, S Chen
Habitat International 46, 101-110, 2015
Perceived discrimination and subjective well-being among rural-to-urban migrants in China
J Chen
J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare 40, 131, 2013
How dynamics of urbanization affect physical and mental health in urban China
J Chen, S Chen, PF Landry, DS Davis
The China Quarterly 220, 988-1011, 2014
Urbanization and mental health in China: Linking the 2010 population census with a cross-sectional survey
J Chen, S Chen, PF Landry
International journal of environmental research and public health 12 (8 …, 2015
Perceived social standing among Asian immigrants in the US: Do reasons for immigration matter?
J Chen, GC Gee, MS Spencer, SH Danziger, DT Takeuchi
Social science research 38 (4), 858-869, 2009
E-commerce Use in Urbanizing China: The Role of Normative Social Influence
S Zhu, J Chen
Behaviour & Information Technology 35 (5), 357-367, 2016
The digital divide in individual e-commerce utilization in China results from a national survey
S Zhu, J Chen
Information Development 29 (1), 69-80, 2013
The effect of health on urban-settlement intention of rural-urban migrants in China
S Xie, J Wang, J Chen, VM Ritakallio
Health & Place 47, 1-11, 2017
Online information searches and help seeking for mental health problems in urban China
J Chen, S Zhu
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2016
Intermarriage, ethnic identity, and perceived social standing among Asian women in the United States
J Chen, DT Takeuchi
Journal of Marriage and Family 73 (4), 876-888, 2011
Social determinants of health and mental health among Asian Americans in the United States
I Kim, J Chen, MS Spencer
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 3 (4), 346-361, 2012
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