Pei-Yuan Qian
Pei-Yuan Qian
Chair Professor, Department of Ocean Science and Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of
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Conservative fragments in bacterial 16S rRNA genes and primer design for 16S ribosomal DNA amplicons in metagenomic studies
Y Wang, PY Qian
PloS one 4 (10), e7401, 2009
Juvenile mortality in benthic marine invertebrates
LA Gosselin, PY Qian
Marine Ecology Progress Series 146, 265-282, 1997
Sensitivity and correlation of hypervariable regions in 16S rRNA genes in phylogenetic analysis
B Yang, Y Wang, PY Qian
BMC bioinformatics 17, 1-8, 2016
Proteomics: challenges, techniques and possibilities to overcome biological sample complexity
K Chandramouli, PY Qian
Human genomics and proteomics: HGP 2009, 2009
All-printable band-edge modulated ZnO nanowire photodetectors with ultra-high detectivity
X Liu, L Gu, Q Zhang, J Wu, Y Long, Z Fan
Nature communications 5 (1), 4007, 2014
Natural products as antifouling compounds: recent progress and future perspectives
PY Qian, Y Xu, N Fusetani
Biofouling 26 (2), 223-234, 2009
Marine biofilms as mediators of colonization by marine macroorganisms: implications for antifouling and aquaculture
PY Qian, SCK Lau, HU Dahms, S Dobretsov, T Harder
Marine Biotechnology 9, 399-410, 2007
Inhibition of biofouling by marine microorganisms and their metabolites
S Dobretsov, HU Dahms, PY Qian
Biofouling 22 (1), 43-54, 2006
Pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse and species-specific microbial communities in sponges from the Red Sea
OO Lee, Y Wang, J Yang, FF Lafi, A Al-Suwailem, PY Qian
The ISME journal 5 (4), 650-664, 2011
A Pseudomonas T6SS effector recruits PQS-containing outer membrane vesicles for iron acquisition
J Lin, W Zhang, J Cheng, X Yang, K Zhu, Y Wang, G Wei, PY Qian, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14888, 2017
Adaptation to deep-sea chemosynthetic environments as revealed by mussel genomes
J Sun, YU Zhang, T Xu, Y Zhang, H Mu, Y Zhang, Y Lan, CJ Fields, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (5), 0121, 2017
Shift from P to N limitation of phytoplankton growth across the Pearl River estuarine plume during summer
K Yin, PY Qian, MCS Wu, JC Chen, L Huang, X Song, W Jian
Marine Ecology Progress Series 221, 17-28, 2001
Dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in the Pearl River estuary and adjacent waters of Hong Kong during summer: preliminary evidence for phosphorus and silicon …
K Yin, PY Qian, JC Chen, DPH Hsieh, PJ Harrison
Marine Ecology Progress Series 194, 295-305, 2000
Vertical stratification of microbial communities in the Red Sea revealed by 16S rDNA pyrosequencing
PY Qian, Y Wang, OO Lee, SCK Lau, J Yang, FF Lafi, A Al-Suwailem, ...
The ISME journal 5 (3), 507-518, 2011
Larval settlement of polychaetes
PY Qian
Reproductive strategies and developmental patterns in annelids, 239-253, 1999
Species diversity and distribution for phytoplankton of the Pearl River estuary during rainy and dry seasons
L Huang, W Jian, X Song, X Huang, S Liu, P Qian, K Yin, M Wu
Marine pollution bulletin 49 (7-8), 588-596, 2004
Mini-review: Marine natural products and their synthetic analogs as antifouling compounds: 2009–2014
PY Qian, Z Li, Y Xu, Y Li, N Fusetani
Biofouling 31 (1), 101-122, 2015
Potent Antifouling Resorcylic Acid Lactones from the Gorgonian-Derived Fungus Cochliobolus lunatus
CL Shao, HX Wu, CY Wang, QA Liu, Y Xu, MY Wei, PY Qian, YC Gu, ...
Journal of Natural Products 74 (4), 629-633, 2011
Bacterial biosynthesis and maturation of the didemnin anti-cancer agents
Y Xu, RD Kersten, SJ Nam, L Lu, AM Al-Suwailem, H Zheng, W Fenical, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (20), 8625-8632, 2012
Roles of bacterial community composition in biofilms as a mediator for larval settlement of three marine invertebrates
SCK Lau, V Thiyagarajan, SCK Cheung, PY Qian
Aquatic microbial ecology 38 (1), 41-51, 2005
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