Teddy Ang
Teddy Ang
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Postprandial aminogenic insulin and glucagon secretion can stimulate glucose flux in humans
T Ang, CR Bruce, GM Kowalski
Diabetes 68 (5), 939-946, 2019
Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase is critical for the maintenance of skeletal muscle mitochondrial integrity and muscle mass
A Selathurai, GM Kowalski, SA Mason, DL Callahan, VC Foletta, ...
Molecular metabolism 27, 33-46, 2019
Translating glucose tolerance data from mice to humans: insights from stable isotope labelled glucose tolerance tests
CR Bruce, S Hamley, T Ang, KF Howlett, CS Shaw, GM Kowalski
Molecular Metabolism 53, 101281, 2021
Mechanisms of hyperinsulinaemia in apparently healthy non-obese young adults: role of insulin secretion, clearance and action and associations with plasma amino acids
S Hamley, D Kloosterman, T Duthie, C Dalla Man, R Visentin, SA Mason, ...
Diabetologia 62, 2310-2324, 2019
Endogenous glucose production after sequential meals in humans: evidence for more prolonged suppression after ingestion of a second meal
T Ang, GM Kowalski, CR Bruce
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 315 (5), E904-E911, 2018
Acute exercise and high-glucose ingestion elicit dynamic and individualized responses in systemic markers of redox homeostasis
HJ Thomas, T Ang, DJ Morrison, MA Keske, L Parker
Frontiers in Immunology 14, 1127088, 2023
Prior aerobic exercise mitigates the decrease in serum osteoglycin and lipocalin-2 following high-glucose mixed-nutrient meal ingestion in young men
L Parker, T Ang, DJ Morrison, NJ Lee, I Levinger, MA Keske
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 323 (3), E319-E332, 2022
The impact of a single dose of whey protein on glucose flux and metabolite profiles in normoglycemic males: insights into glucagon and insulin biology
T Ang, SA Mason, GM Dao, CR Bruce, GM Kowalski
American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 325 (6), E688-E699, 2023
The effect of small increases in blood glucose on insulin secretion and endogenous glucose production in humans
CR Bruce, T Ang, JD Toms, GM Dao, J Liu, GM Ward, DN O’Neal, ...
Diabetes, db240388, 2024
Prior aerobic exercise mitigates the decrease in serum osteoglycin and lipocalin-2 1
L Parker, T Ang, DJ Morrison, NJ Lee, I Levinger, A Michelle
Osteoporos Int 30, 403-410, 2019
Endogenous glucose production following sequential meals in humans: evidence for more prolonged suppression following ingestion of a second meal. 2
T Ang, GM Kowalski, CR Bruce
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