Jin Joo
Jin Joo
在 knu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Synthesis of monodisperse spherical nanocrystals
J Park, J Joo, SG Kwon, Y Jang, T Hyeon
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46 (25), 4630-4660, 2007
Generalized and facile synthesis of semiconducting metal sulfide nanocrystals
J Joo, HB Na, T Yu, JH Yu, YW Kim, F Wu, JZ Zhang, T Hyeon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (36), 11100-11105, 2003
New aspects of carrier multiplication in semiconductor nanocrystals
JA McGuire, J Joo, JM Pietryga, RD Schaller, VI Klimov
Accounts of chemical research 41 (12), 1810-1819, 2008
Synthesis of quantum-sized cubic ZnS nanorods by the oriented attachment mechanism
JH Yu, J Joo, HM Park, SI Baik, YW Kim, SC Kim, T Hyeon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (15), 5662-5670, 2005
Large-Scale Synthesis of TiO2 Nanorods via Nonhydrolytic Sol−Gel Ester Elimination Reaction and Their Application to Photocatalytic Inactivation of E. coli
J Joo, SG Kwon, T Yu, M Cho, J Lee, J Yoon, T Hyeon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (32), 15297-15302, 2005
Multigram scale synthesis and characterization of monodisperse tetragonal zirconia nanocrystals
J Joo, T Yu, YW Kim, HM Park, F Wu, JZ Zhang, T Hyeon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (21), 6553-6557, 2003
Large-scale soft colloidal template synthesis of 1.4 nm thick CdSe nanosheets
JS Son, XD Wen, J Joo, J Chae, S Baek, K Park, JH Kim, K An, JH Yu, ...
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed 48 (37), 6861-6864, 2009
Low-temperature solution-phase synthesis of quantum well structured CdSe nanoribbons
J Joo, JS Son, SG Kwon, JH Yu, T Hyeon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (17), 5632-5633, 2006
Synthesis of ZnO nanocrystals with cone, hexagonal cone, and rod shapes via non-hydrolytic ester elimination sol-gel reactions
J Joo, SG Kwon, HY Jung, T Hyeon
Advanced Materials 17 (15), 1873-1877, 2005
Large-scale nonhydrolytic sol-gel synthesis of uniform-sized ceria nanocrystals with spherical, wire, and tadpole shapes
T Yu, J Joo, YI Park, T Hyeon
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 44 (45), 7411-7414, 2005
Highly effective surface passivation of PbSe quantum dots through reaction with molecular chlorine
WK Bae, J Joo, LA Padilha, J Won, DC Lee, Q Lin, W Koh, H Luo, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (49), 20160-20168, 2012
Giant Zeeman splitting in nucleation-controlled doped CdSe:Mn2+ quantum nanoribbons
JH Yu, X Liu, KE Kweon, J Joo, J Park, KT Ko, DW Lee, S Shen, ...
Nature materials 9 (1), 47-53, 2010
Apparent versus true carrier multiplication yields in semiconductor nanocrystals
JA McGuire, M Sykora, J Joo, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
Nano letters 10 (6), 2049-2057, 2010
Colloidal synthesis of ultrathin twodimensional semiconductor nanocrystals
JS Son, JH Yu, SG Kwon, J Lee, J Joo, T Hyeon
Advanced Materials 23 (28), 3214-3219, 2011
Synthese monodisperser sphärischer Nanokristalle
J Park, J Joo, SG Kwon, Y Jang, T Hyeon
Angewandte Chemie 119 (25), 4714-4745, 2007
A reduction pathway in the synthesis of PbSe nanocrystal quantum dots
J Joo, JM Pietryga, JA McGuire, SH Jeon, DJ Williams, HL Wang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (30), 10620-10628, 2009
A tailored TiO2 electron selective layer for high-performance flexible perovskite solar cells via low temperature UV process
I Jeong, H Jung, M Park, JS Park, HJ Son, J Joo, J Lee, MJ Ko
Nano Energy 28, 380-389, 2016
Dimensioncontrolled synthesis of CdS nanocrystals: From 0D quantum dots to 2D nanoplates
JS Son, K Park, SG Kwon, J Yang, MK Choi, J Kim, JH Yu, J Joo, T Hyeon
Small 8 (15), 2394-2402, 2012
Spectroscopic signatures of photocharging due to hot-carrier transfer in solutions of semiconductor nanocrystals under low-intensity ultraviolet excitation
JA McGuire, M Sykora, I Robel, LA Padilha, J Joo, JM Pietryga, VI Klimov
ACS nano 4 (10), 6087-6097, 2010
Single unit cell thick samaria nanowires and nanoplates
T Yu, J Joo, YI Park, T Hyeon
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (6), 1786-1787, 2006
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