Kasper Vinken
Kasper Vinken
Harvard Medical School
在 hms.harvard.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Visual categorization of natural movies by rats
K Vinken, B Vermaercke, HPO de Beeck
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (32), 10645-10658, 2014
Recent visual experience shapes visual processing in rats through stimulus-specific adaptation and response enhancement
K Vinken, R Vogels, HO de Beeck
Current Biology 27 (6), 914-919, 2017
Face repetition probability does not affect repetition suppression in macaque inferotemporal cortex
K Vinken, HPO de Beeck, R Vogels
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (34), 7492-7504, 2018
Neural representations of natural and scrambled movies progressively change from rat striate to temporal cortex
K Vinken, G Van den Bergh, B Vermaercke, HP Op de Beeck
Cerebral Cortex 26 (7), 3310-3322, 2016
The neural code for “face cells” is not face-specific
K Vinken, JS Prince, T Konkle, MS Livingstone
Science Advances 9 (35), eadg1736, 2023
Temporal stability of stimulus representation increases along rodent visual cortical hierarchies
E Piasini, L Soltuzu, P Muratore, R Caramellino, K Vinken, H Op de Beeck, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4448, 2021
Frivolous units: Wider networks are not really that wide
S Casper, X Boix, V D'Amario, L Guo, M Schrimpf, K Vinken, G Kreiman
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (8), 6921-6929, 2021
Distinct and simultaneously active plasticity mechanisms in mouse hippocampus during different phases of Morris water maze training
A Laeremans, V Sabanov, T Ahmed, J Nys, B Van de Plas, K Vinken, ...
Brain Structure and Function 220 (3), 1273-1290, 2014
Incorporating intrinsic suppression in deep neural networks captures dynamics of adaptation in neurophysiology and perception
K Vinken, X Boix, G Kreiman
Science Advances 6 (42), eabd4205, 2020
Representations of regular and irregular shapes by deep Convolutional Neural Networks, monkey inferotemporal neurons and human judgments
I Kalfas, K Vinken, R Vogels
PLOS Computational Biology 14 (10), e1006557, 2018
Adaptation can explain evidence for encoding of probabilistic information in macaque inferior temporal cortex
K Vinken, R Vogels
Current Biology 27 (22), R1210-R1212, 2017
Using deep neural networks to evaluate object vision tasks in rats
K Vinken, H Op de Beeck
PLoS computational biology 17 (3), e1008714, 2021
Op de Beeck HP, Vogels R. 2018
K Vinken
Face repetition probability does not affect repetition suppression in …, 0
A behavioral face preference deficit in a monkey with an incomplete face patch system
K Vinken, R Vogels
Neuroimage 189, 415-424, 2019
The importance of contrast features in rat vision
AE Schnell, K Vinken, HO de Beeck
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 459, 2023
Deep neural networks point to mid-level complexity of rodent object vision
K Vinken, HO de Beeck
bioRxiv, 2020.02. 08.940189, 2020
Op de Beeck H, Balasubramanian V, Zoccolan D. 2021. Temporal stability of stimulus representation increases along rodent visual cortical hierarchies
E Piasini, L Soltuzu, P Muratore, R Caramellino, K Vinken
Nature Communications 12 (1), 0
When the whole is only the parts: non-holistic object parts predominate face-cell responses to illusory faces
S Sharma, K Vinken, MS Livingstone
bioRxiv, 2023
A computationally informed comparison between the strategies of rodents and humans in visual object recognition
AE Schnell, M Leemans, K Vinken, HO de Beeck
Elife 12, RP87719, 2023
Intrinsic functional clustering of ventral premotor F5 in the macaque brain
S Sharma, DJ Schaeffer, K Vinken, S Everling, K Nelissen
NeuroImage 227, 117647, 2021
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