Jaime Allen
Jaime Allen
Research Associate, Transport Infrastructure Program, Universidad de Costa Rica
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Cited by
Effect of critical incidents on public transport satisfaction and loyalty: an Ordinal Probit SEM-MIMIC approach
J Allen, L Eboli, G Mazzulla, JD Ortúzar
Transportation, 1-37, 2018
The role of critical incidents and involvement in transit satisfaction and loyalty
J Allen, L Eboli, C Forciniti, G Mazzulla, JD Ortúzar
Transport Policy 75, 57-69, 2019
Modelling service-specific and global transit satisfaction under travel and user heterogeneity
J Allen, JC Muñoz, JD Ortúzar
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 113, 509-528, 2018
Understanding Public Transport Satisfaction: Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of (Transit) Needs
J Allen, JC Muñoz, JD Ortúzar
Transport Policy, 2019
Urban freight logistics: What do citizens perceive?
J Amaya, M Delgado-Lindeman, J Arellana, J Allen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 152, 102390, 2021
Service quality in a mid-sized air terminal: A SEM-MIMIC ordinal probit accounting for travel, sociodemographic, and user-type heterogeneity
J Allen, MG Bellizzi, L Eboli, C Forciniti, G Mazzulla
Journal of Air Transport Management 84, 101780, 2020
On the effect of operational service attributes on transit satisfaction
J Allen, JC Muñoz, JD Ortúzar
Transportation, 1-30, 2019
Test-riding the driverless bus: Determinants of satisfaction and reuse intention in eight test-track locations
J Rosell, J Allen
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 140, 166-189, 2020
Latent factors on the assessment of service quality in an Italian peripheral airport
J Allen, MG Bellizzi, L Eboli, C Forciniti, G Mazzulla
Transportation Research Procedia 47, 91-98, 2020
Effect of a major network reform on bus transit satisfaction
J Allen, JC Muñoz, J Rosell
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 124, 310-333, 2019
Determinación de factores camión en pavimentos de Costa Rica
Á Ulloa-Salazar, G Badilla-Vargas, J Allen, D Sibaja-Obando
Infraestructura Vial 10 (19), 28-37, 2008
Identifying strategies for improving airport services: Introduction of the Gap-IPA to an Italian airport case study
J Allen, MG Bellizzi, L Eboli, C Forciniti, G Mazzulla
Transportation Letters 13 (3), 243-253, 2021
Determinación de la carga de diseño para pavimentos flexibles en Costa Rica
J Allen, G Badilla
XVI Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano do Asfalto, 2011
On evasion behaviour in public transport: Dissatisfaction or contagion?
J Allen, JC Muñoz, JD Ortúzar
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 130, 626-651, 2019
Medición de percepción de la calidad de vida con respecto a la satisfacción con el transporte público en Costa Rica
A Zúñiga López, J Allen
Infraestructura Vial 23 (42), 23-34, 2021
Planificación del Transporte
J Allen-Monge
Programa Infraestructura del Transporte (PITRA), LanammeUCR, 2011
Desarrollo de la Gestión Vial Municipal en Costa Rica: Incidencia de Elementos Político–Técnicos
L Xu-Ye, S López-Ramírez, J Allen, LG Loría-Salazar
ICAP-Revista Centroamericana de Administración Pública (75): 134-148 …, 2019
Propuesta de línea de investigación: determinación de parámetros de carga para diseño estructural de pavimentos en Costa Rica
J Allen
Unidad de Materiales y Pavimentos. Programa de Infraestructura del …, 2013
Determinación de la cantidad y ubicación de las estaciones de pesaje en la red vial nacional de Costa Rica
J Allen, C Vargas, H Hernández
San José, Costa Rica: Unidad de Investigación en Infraestructura Vial …, 2014
Determinación de factores de los factores camión en Costa Rica
J Allen, Á Ulloa, D Sibaja, G Badilla
Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales, San José, Costa Rica, 2007
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Articles 1–20