Sara A. Zein
Sara A. Zein
Researcher, University of Bordeaux, LP2ib, CNRS/IN2P3
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Review of the Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit for radiobiological applications at the cellular and DNA level
I Kyriakou, D Sakata, HN Tran, Y Perrot, WG Shin, N Lampe, S Zein, ...
Cancers 14 (1), 35, 2021
Physical performance of a long axial fieldofview PET scanner prototype with sparse rings configuration: a Monte Carlo simulation study
SA Zein, NA Karakatsanis, M Issa, AA HajAli, SA Nehmeh
Medical Physics 47 (4), 1949-1957, 2020
Simulation of DNA damage using Geant4DNA: an overview of the “molecularDNA” example application
KP Chatzipapas, NH Tran, M Dordevic, S Zivkovic, S Zein, WG Shin, ...
Precision Radiation Oncology 7 (1), 4-14, 2023
Virus irradiation and COVID-19 disease
M Durante, K Schulze, S Incerti, Z Francis, S Zein, CA Guzmán
Frontiers in Physics 8, 565861, 2020
Electron transport in DNA bases: An extension of the Geant4-DNA Monte Carlo toolkit
SA Zein, MC Bordage, Z Francis, G Macetti, A Genoni, C Dal Cappello, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2021
Monte carlo simulation of the siemens biograph vision PET with extended axial field of view using sparse detector module rings configuration
SA Zein, NA Karakatsanis, M Conti, SA Nehmeh
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 5 (3), 331-342, 2020
Modeling of scavenging systems in water radiolysis with Geant4-DNA
F Chappuis, V Grilj, HN Tran, SA Zein, F Bochud, C Bailat, S Incerti, ...
Physica Medica 108, 102549, 2023
Monte Carlo simulation of SARS-CoV-2 radiation-induced inactivation for vaccine development
Z Francis, S Incerti, SA Zein, N Lampe, CA Guzman, M Durante
Radiation research 195 (3), 221-229, 2021
Geant4-DNA simulation of human cancer cells irradiation with helium ion beams
K Chatzipapas, M Dordevic, S Zivkovic, NH Tran, N Lampe, D Sakata, ...
Physica Medica 112, 102613, 2023
Evaluation of image quality and quantitation in a clinical PET scanner with a uniformly sparse detector rings configuration
NA Karakatsanis, SA Zein, SA Nehmeh
2018 IEEE nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference …, 2018
Monte Carlo study of patient and medical staff radiation exposures during interventional cardiology
M Bhar, S Mora, O Kadri, S Zein, K Manai, S Incerti
Physica Medica 82, 200-210, 2021
The general-purpose Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit and its Geant4-DNA extension to investigate mechanisms underlying the FLASH effect in radiotherapy: Current status and challenges
F Chappuis, HN Tran, SA Zein, C Bailat, S Incerti, F Bochud, L Desorgher
Physica Medica 110, 102601, 2023
Population-based input function for TSPO quantification and kinetic modeling with [11C]-DPA-713
MI Akerele, SA Zein, S Pandya, A Nikolopoulou, SA Gauthier, A Raj, ...
EJNMMI physics 8 (1), 39, 2021
A simulation study of gold nanoparticles localisation effects on radiation enhancement at the mitochondrion scale
Z Francis, G Montarou, S Incerti, M Bernal, SA Zein
Physica Medica 67, 148-154, 2019
Monte Carlo simulations of electron interactions with the DNA molecule: A complete set of physics models for Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit
SA Zein, MC Bordage, HN Tran, G Macetti, A Genoni, C Dal Cappello, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2023
Positron emission tomography with sparse block rings and continuous bed motion
NA Karakatsanis, SA Zein, SA Nehmeh
2019 Ieee nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference (Nss/Mic …, 2019
Review of chemical models and applications in Geant4DNA: Report from the ESA BioRad III Project
HN Tran, J Archer, G Baldacchino, JMC Brown, F Chappuis, GAP Cirrone, ...
Medical Physics, 2024
Microdosimetry in 3D realistic mitochondria phantoms: Geant4 Monte Carlo tracking of 250 keV photons in phantoms reconstructed from microscopic images
S Zein, Z Francis, G Montarou, F Chandez, MS Kane, A Chevrollier
Physica Medica 42, 7-12, 2017
Physical performance of a PET scanner prototype with extended axial field of view using sparse detector module rings configuration: a Monte Carlo simulation study
S Zein, NA Karakatsanis, A Gupta, JR Osborne, SA Nehmeh
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 46 (SUPPL 1 …, 2019
Performance evaluation of a clinical PET system with uniform axial gaps between individual detector rings
N Karakatsanis, S Zein, S Nehmeh
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 60 (supplement 1), 189-189, 2019
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