Yu Zheng
Cited by
Cited by
Robust optical-levitation-based metrology of nanoparticleˇ¦s position and mass
Y Zheng, LM Zhou, Y Dong, CW Qiu, XD Chen, GC Guo, FW Sun
Physical review letters 124 (22), 223603, 2020
Non-Markovianity-assisted high-fidelity DeutschˇVJozsa algorithm in diamond
Y Dong, Y Zheng, S Li, CC Li, XD Chen, GC Guo, FW Sun
npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 3, 2018
Thermal-demagnetization-enhanced hybrid fiber-based thermometer coupled with nitrogen-vacancy centers
SC Zhang, S Li, B Du, Y Dong, Y Zheng, HB Lin, BW Zhao, W Zhu, ...
Optical Materials Express 9 (12), 4634-4643, 2019
Cooling of a levitated nanoparticle with digital parametric feedback
Y Zheng, GC Guo, FW Sun
Applied Physics Letters 115 (10), 2019
Three-dimensional position measurement of a levitated nanoparticle in a vacuum by a Dove prism
Y Zheng, F Sun
Chinese Optics Letters 17 (6), 060901, 2019
High-contrast quantum imaging with time-gated fluorescence detection
XD Chen, Y Zheng, B Du, DF Li, S Li, Y Dong, GC Guo, FW Sun
Physical Review Applied 11 (6), 064024, 2019
Thickness dependent surface plasmon of silver film detected by nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond
DF Li, CH Li, LM Zhou, Y Zheng, BW Zhao, S Li, N Zhao, XD Chen, ...
Optics Letters 43 (22), 5587-5590, 2018
Room-temperature composite-pulses for robust diamond magnetometry
JY Xu, Y Dong, SC Zhang, Y Zheng, XD Chen, W Zhu, GZ Wang, GC Guo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.00191, 2018
Optimal demonstration of Autler Townes splitting
Y Dong, Y Zheng, XD Chen, GC Guo, FW Sun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04582, 2017
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Articles 1–9