Karen Miranda
Karen Miranda
UAM Lerma
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A survey on rapidly deployable solutions for post-disaster networks
K Miranda, A Molinaro, T Razafindralambo
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (4), 117-123, 2016
Improving data aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks with time series estimation
K Miranda, V Ramos
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (5), 2425-2432, 2016
Analysis of the multi-objective cluster head selection problem in WSNs
A García-Nájera, S Zapotecas-Martínez, K Miranda
Applied Soft Computing 112, 107853, 2021
Using efficiently autoregressive estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks
K Miranda, V Ramos, T Razafindralambo
International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication …, 2013
Design of a low-cost NFC Door Lock for a Smart Home System
J Pacheco, K Miranda
2020 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference …, 2020
Adaptive Deployment Scheme for Mobile Relays in Substitution Networks
K Miranda, E Natalizio, T Razafindralambo
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2012, 2012
A Comparison of Bio-Inspired Approaches for the Cluster-Head Selection Problem in WSN
K Miranda, S Zapotecas-Martínez, A López-Jaimes, A García-Nájera
Advances in Nature-Inspired Computing and Applications, 165-187, 2019
Fast and reliable robot deployment for substitution networks
J Razafimandimby, K Miranda, D Zorbas, T Razafindralambo
Proceedings of the 10th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless …, 2013
Heterogeneous data reduction in WSN: application to smart grids
J Nassar, K Miranda, N Gouvy, N Mitton
Proceedings of the 4th ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Experiences with the Design …, 2018
Adaptive router deployment for multimedia services in mobile pervasive environments
K Miranda, E Natalizio, T Razafindralambo, A Molinaro
Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2012 …, 2012
On the impact of router’s mobility on substitution networks
K Miranda, E Natalizio, T Razafindralambo
Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and …, 2011
Decomposition-based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization for Cluster-Head Selection in WSNs
S Zapotecas-Martínez, A López-Jaimes, K Miranda, A García-Nájera
2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2018
Chapter 4: Mobile Robot Deployment in the Context of WSN
M Erdelj, K Miranda
Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks: From Topology Control to Communication …, 2014
On the analysis of collaboration networks between industry and academia: the Mexican case of the innovation incentive program
E Montes-Orozco, K Miranda, A García-Nájera, JC López-García
Scientometrics 129 (3), 1523-1544, 2024
Algoritmos de autodespliegue para redes de relevos móviles
K Miranda, A García-Nájera, A López-Jaimes
Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información 5 (9), 80-85, 2017
On the Impact of Routers' Controlled Mobility in Self-Deployable Networks
K Miranda, N Mitton, T Razafindralambo
The Seventh International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems …, 2015
An autoregressive estimator for overhead reduction in Substitution Networks
K Miranda, N Mitton, V Ramos
Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, 2015 9th …, 2015
Análisis multiobjetivo de la selección de lıderes en Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores
K Miranda, A López-Jaimes, A Garcıa-Nájera
A proposed embedded system for indoor noise pollution monitoring via IoT
R Vázquez-López, EV Vázquez-Carmona, JC Herrera-Lozada, K Miranda, ...
2022 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6, 2022
Prédiction de données différenciée pour les Smart Grids
J Nassar, K Miranda, N Gouvy, N Mitton
Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de …, 2018
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Articles 1–20